🤘 The Ultimate AI Bucket List

The W3bpreneur - Issue #20

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Experiences Are What Matter Most.

Good Morning, Legends!

As a child, I had a million dreams. A bucket full of things I wanted to explore and do.

Later on, these things became milestones I wanted to achieve. Family, kids, house, cars, certain figures in my bank account.

But in life, experiences are what matter most - not milestones.

So, today, we'll talk about experiences.. to be more specific, experiences around AI. Because that's what you're here for, right? AI.

Let's dive into:

The ultimate AI bucket list: Things you should try out before 2025.


1. Master Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Why: To understand customer sentiments and automate customer support.

How: Enroll in an advanced and free NLP course.

Experience: Take the course and implement a chatbot for your business.

Tool: Try Chatfuel to build your bot in minutes.

2. Embrace Virtual Assistants

Why: To enhance customer interactions and streamline tasks.

Experience: Integrate a virtual assistant into your customer service strategy.

Tool: Google Assistant.

3. Virtual Reality Business Tours

Why: Offer a unique customer experience.

How: Use affordable VR kits to create virtual tours of your business. See VR business opportunities here and here.

Bonus: Use it as a marketing tool on social platforms.

Read more about Spatial Computing here in a recent article of mine: "What is Spatial Computing- A Quick Overview to Get You Up To Speed."

We went to a winery in Italy a couple of weeks ago, and my kids went on a virtual tour of their wine cellar with VR headsets while my husband did a wine tasting - in peace. It created an immersive experience. See "catch up" below.

4. AI-Driven Social Media Strategy

Why: Optimize your social media reach.

How: Use AI tools, like Taplio (what I use for LinkedIn Scheduling) or Hypefury (I use it for Twitter), that analyze the best times to post and the type of content that engages your audience.

Bonus: Instantly increases your brand’s visibility.

5. AI in HR

Why: Efficient recruitment and employee management.

How: Use AI-driven HR platforms for skill matching and performance tracking.

Bonus: Saves time and resources in the HR department.

Tools: Fetcher, HRFlow, or Attract.

There you have it. Your ultimate AI Bucket List.

  • Which experience are you ticking off first?
  • And what else is currently on your bucket list?

Hit reply! I'd love to know more about you.


10 Spatial Computing Use Cases

This week, I've shared 10 Spatial Computing Use Cases, incl. the one my family and I explored on our recent holiday at a winery: A virtual tour of their business 🍇

What Caught My Attention This Week

THE BIG RESET: Use AI To Build Wealth & GET AHEAD Of 99% Of People | Peter Diamandis & Salim Ismail

  • The next billion-dollar company will be founded by three people, with AI handling most of the execution work.
  • Legacy organizations must adapt to breakthrough thinking or risk being wiped out.
  • Abundance thinking is important in today's world.

Watch Video →

The Future Is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Transforming Business, Industries, and Our Lives

  • From the New York Times bestselling authors of Abundance and Bold comes a practical playbook for technological convergence in our modern era.

Get the Book →

DeepMind’s cofounder: Generative AI is just a phase. What’s next is interactive AI.

  • “This is a profound moment in the history of technology,” says Mustafa Suleyman.

Read Article →

Thank you for reading!

Please reply with feedback or share it with someone you think would enjoy this topic or future newsletters.

See you next week,


PS. Missed last week's edition?

👉 Time Is Gold. Master the Art of Productive Screen Time

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